Creation of System Applications New student Admission Website Based Using PHP CIKO Course and Training Institute


  • Fikri Al Malik Program Studi Ilmu Komputer, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Pat Petulai, Bengkulu, Indonesia Author
  • Chandra Yuliansyah Program Studi Ilmu Komputer, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Pat Petulai, Bengkulu, Indonesia Author
  • Diwi Apriana Program Studi Ilmu Komputer, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Pat Petulai, Bengkulu, Indonesia Author


Informations System, Pemdaftaran, PHP, Web


CIKO CURUP Course and Training Institute (LKP) is a place of learning and courses located in Rejang Lebong Regency, LKP CIKO CURUP provides course services which was founded in 1996 based on data from the current year it has produced as many student graduates. From this development, LKP CIKO Currently, the CIKO CURUP LKP new student admission process still uses manual registration, which at that time experienced many difficulties for both prospective students and the new student admissions committee, especially in the field of filing student data, many of which were lost, prospective students had to come directly to the location of the CIKO CURUP LKP which makes it inefficient in terms of time based on this problem, the researcher created a "web-based online registration application system using PHP" with the system that will be created by the researcher can simplify the process for prospective students in carrying out the registration process for prospective students . Rapidly developing technology has an impact on all life, especially the provision of information for an organization/agency/or company that requires a data processing system quickly, precisely and accurately. To support effectiveness, productivity and efficiency in an organization/agency or company in solving management problems, especially providing services to the community, especially to prospective new LKP CIKO CURUP students. This new web-based student admission system aims to create effective and efficient performance because it makes it easier for people to get information and does not waste a lot of money. Through this service, it is hoped that it will make it easier for the public to obtain complete and up to date information. This system can be more efficient in terms of cost and time so that it is effective in achieving goals, in accessing the system which so far sometimes still has obstacles in implementing information


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How to Cite

Creation of System Applications New student Admission Website Based Using PHP CIKO Course and Training Institute. (2024). JANGTEK JURNAL : Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer, 1(1), 29-36.