Implementation of Data Mining in Determining Drug Supply Using the C4.5 Algorithm Case Study at Sambirejo Community Health Center Rejang Lebong Regency


  • Herlina Mutiara Program Studi Ilmu Komputer, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Pat Petulai, Bengkulu, Indonesia Author
  • Nurfitri Andayani Program Studi Ilmu Komputer, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Pat Petulai, Indonesia Author


Data Mining, Medicine Supplies, C4.5 algorithm


Sambirejo Community Health Center is one of the community health service centers located in Sambirejo Village, Selupu Rejang District, Rejang Lebong Regency. Like health service centers in general, the Sambirejo Community Health Center provides health services to the community every day. Based on this, the Sambirejo Community Health Center needs a tool for data processing for drug calculations that can make it easier for officers to calculate the drugs. There is a classification of diseases that is used to determine which drugs are frequently used/used. The data processing technique required by the Community Health Center in the classification of drug calculations is Data Mining and the C4.5 Algorithm method, so that the calculation of drugs used for prescribing to patients can be easily calculated and the C4.5 Algorithm is suitable for the classification method and the formation of a dsicon tree or calculation tree. From the problem above, the author is interested in raising a research topic, namely: "Implementation of Data Mining in Determining Drug Supplies Using the C4.5 Algorithm. Case Study at Sambirejo Health Center, Rejang Lebong Regency. This research method is the basis for this research using data mining techniques with the C4.5 algorithm. The second step is to calculate the total data consisting of (66) and the total data based on Small 40 and Large 26. Then group and calculate all the total attributes stored in the “Amount” column and the “Attribute” total are based on the number of uses stored in the “Large” and “Small” columns. Based on the problem formulation and discussion above, it can be concluded: 1. From the decision tree formed, information was obtained that the main factors influencing drug use are supply, usage, followed by the size of the drug use depending on the prescription given by the Sambirejo Community Health Center doctor. 2. From the results of the Entropy and Gain calculations above, it was found that the highest number of drug uses was the Multivitamin type of drug and the smallest was the Anatesi drug type. 3. From the Entropy and Gain calculations, a Decision Tree is formed as in Figure 4.2, the final result of the Node 1.1 calculation



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How to Cite

Implementation of Data Mining in Determining Drug Supply Using the C4.5 Algorithm Case Study at Sambirejo Community Health Center Rejang Lebong Regency. (2024). JANGTEK JURNAL : Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer, 1(1), 37-48.